Hello Residents- A few noteworthy items to mention:

This Saturday the Shade Tree Commission is planting sixteen trees around town. This is their biggest undertaking in terms of planting since its inception over a year ago- great job. If you are interested in helping, there may be a few slots open- check the website. Thanks to Public Works for their assistance on this very big project!

Mark your calendar for an October 23rd Beach Sweep! This annual effort sponsored by the Environmental Commission not only assists our Public Works but also “inventories” the types of waste showing up on our shorelines. Please take time to participate! Details on the Environmental Commission page on the website!

We just had a successful bid award on a water project we have been working on- sump pump and street water overflow. We are starting on the South end of town where the problem is most severe; and we will assess the effectiveness.

We are bringing to the Council next week our “Phase II” Sewer Project. We hope to begin the project this upcoming Spring. Phase II encompasses 2nd Avenue through 5th Avenue; and all north to south streets within this area.