Bradley Beach Fire Department consist of volunteer firefighters. If you are interested in becoming a member, please call 732 443-9811 and click here to submit a volunteer application online. If you are interested in Banquet Hall Rentals, please contact us.

Important Information

Please see this page for comprehensive information on knowing your flood hazard, flood insurance, flood safety, property protection, how to build responsibly, protecting natural floodplain functions as well as municipal resources available to you on flood protection and mitigation.

Bradley Beach’s Construction Department offers the following services for property owners:

  • Copies of Elevation Certificates (if available) are kept at 719 Main St (Community Center) in the Community Development Office. The Construction Official reviews all Elevation Certificates and  can be contacted at Ext. 1034.
  • Map Interpretations including flood zone determination, base flood elevations, hazard areas, flood depth data, historical flood data, hurricane and coastal flood inundation areas
  • Free technical assistance on flood protection, mitigation, insurance and financial assistance
  • Request a site visit to review flooding, drainage, and sewer problems as well as about how to protect your property from flooding.

For any of the above services, or any questions regarding flooding, flood mapping, flood protection assistance or to request a site visit, please call (732)-776-2999 Ext. 1029, Ext. 1034  or by visiting Borough Hall.

For additional emergency preparedness information, please click here to visit the Office of Emergency Management’s page.

For comprehensive flood preparedness, safety, protection, mitigation, insurance and financial information, please click here to visit the National Flood Insurance Program’s official website.

Understand Flood Insurance

Flood insurance is not part of most insurance policies written for homeowners, as well as policies for condominium-owners and renters. Consumers can purchase a flood insurance policy from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) or from an insurance company offering private flood insurance.

Consumers should be aware that flood insurance is not effective until 30 days after it is sold. Therefore, consumers who want flood insurance for this storm season should contact an approved flood insurance agent immediately and not wait for another approaching storm.

For more about flood insurance through the NFIP, click here.

Consumers can begin shopping for private flood insurance in New Jersey by consulting the Department’s Private Flood Insurer List.

How to File Homeowners Insurance Claim

Call your agent or insurance company. Call your agent or insurer as soon as possible to report your loss. Have your policy number ready along with any information that may be relevant, and have paper and pen to record the claim number, contact information for the assigned claim representative and any important information about your claim. Ask your agent or insurance company what documentation you will be need to provide to them. If you have any questions, your agent or insurance company will assist you.

Make necessary repairs. If your property has been damaged, it is important to make any necessary temporary repairs to protect the property from further loss or damage. For example, if windows are broken, have them boarded up to protect against vandalism or weather. Be sure to save all receipts or bills to submit for your claim.

Work with claim adjuster. Your insurance company will assign a claim adjuster to inspect the damages and determine coverage. You should cooperate with the adjuster and keep written notes about conversations regarding your claim. The company should provide you with a copy of the damage estimate and if you request it, give you the name of a contractor who will do the work at the price estimated. You are not required to use the company’s recommended contractor. If all or part of the loss is not covered, the company must explain how coverage is excluded under your policy.

Resolving disputes. If you and the insurance company do not agree, first try to resolve your issues with the company. Sometimes it helps to have your contractor speak directly with the claim adjuster. If you cannot resolve the dispute with your insurance company, you can:

Contact the Department’s Consumer Hotline at 1-800-446-7467 (8:30 am to 5:00 pm EST Monday-Friday), or click here to go to the Department website and click on Consumer Assistance – Inquiries/Complaints.

Staff Contacts

Name Title
Ronald Minsky Fire Chief

 At the Bradley Beach First Aid Squad we recognize the value of every individual and are guided by our commitment to excellent medical services and leadership.

The Bradley Beach First Aid Squad consist of trained volunteer emergency medical technicians and emergency medical responders. If you are interested in becoming a member, please submit a volunteer application online.

The commitment of our members, community partners, and neighboring squads permit us to maintain that tradition of caring which are the hallmarks of the Bradley Beach first aid emergency medical services.

Staff Contacts

Name Title
John W. Zech Captain  
Joseph G Walsh First Lieutenant
Ronald B. Minsky Second Lieutenant
Edward Hagerman Sergeant