7 events found.
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Recreation Calendar
Beginner Friendly Open Play Mah Jongg
Bradley Beach Rec Center 39 1/2 Main St, Bradley Beach, NJ, United StatesFor anyone who is just learning and would like to play with other people of the same level. We have a couple Mah Jongg sets available at the rec but if you have your own feel free to bring it and a friend! You must also bring your own Mah Jongg card which can be purchased through - https://www.nationalmahjonggleague.org
Beginners Pickle Ball Lessons
Bradley Beach Rec Center 39 1/2 Main St, Bradley Beach, NJ, United StatesBeginners Pickle Ball Lessons
Bradley Beach Rec Center 39 1/2 Main St, Bradley Beach, NJ, United StatesBeginner Friendly Open Play Mah Jongg
Bradley Beach Rec Center 39 1/2 Main St, Bradley Beach, NJ, United StatesFor anyone who is just learning and would like to play with other people of the same level. We have a couple Mah Jongg sets available at the rec but if you have your own feel free to bring it and a friend! You must also bring your own Mah Jongg card which can be purchased through - https://www.nationalmahjonggleague.org
Mother’s Day Build-A-Bouquet
Bradley Beach Rec Center 39 1/2 Main St, Bradley Beach, NJ, United StatesTo register scan the QR code on the flyer or follow the link HERE .