The talent and the diversity of our residents is one of our greatest resources! The Borough of Bradley Beach is launching a Framework of “Strategic Task Forces” that align with long-term goals for our community. We are hoping to recruit resident volunteers that are passionate about Bradley Beach – and who are willing to lend their talents to making our wonderful town even better! Each “Task Force” will be comprised of 8 to 10 volunteers who will meet regularly to discuss opportunities to enhance our Borough, conduct research, and ultimately make recommendations to our Governing Body. Talk Force topics include: Financial Health, Bradley Beach Development, Capital Improvement, and Asset Management, Main Street Excellence, Beachfront and Oceanfront Development, Environment, Strengthen Civic Engagement, Create Impactful Communications, Enhance Municipal Services
Mayor Al Gubitosi emphasized the importance of this initiative: “Our residents love Bradley Beach and are all so supportive of continuing to make Bradley a wonderful place to live. As our Council moves to enhance services and to improve our quality of life, who better to engage in creating solutions than our own residents? We have so much talent in our Community, people who know Bradley and who are passionate about helping. I expect this Strategic Framework will help to engage our residents in helping us build our future.”
If you have the time, and the desire to help, please sign-up to volunteer! Our hope is to fill out volunteer membership for these eight task forces by the end of January.
I, hereby apply to perform public service on the following municipal authorities, boards or commissions:
I also understand that citizens appointed to serve on Borough of Bradley Beach Authorities, Boards, Commissions and/or Committees are subject to the regulations of the New Jersey Local Government Ethics law which may require the filing of a Financial Disclosure Statement.
Please note that any personal information entered is considered personal information, and is therefore deemed confidential for the purpose of P.L. 1963, c. 73 (C.47:1A-1 et seq.) and P.L. 2001, c. 404 (C.47:1A-5 et al.).
For Volunteer And Strategic Planning Committee Opportunities Please Click Here