Beach Department2025-01-29T11:57:21-05:00

Beachfront Area shall mean all public areas including but not limited to boardwalk/promenade areas, access ramps, grass areas, sidewalk areas, paver areas, areas leased to third parties and other areas subject to the control or jurisdiction of the Borough of Bradley Beach east of the easterly curb line along Ocean Avenue in Bradley Beach.

The Following are Prohibited on the Beachfront Area and Boardwalk/Promenade:

  • Conduct which Endangers the Safety and Comfort of Others
  • Smoking – Electronic Cigarettes
  • Littering or Glass Containers
  • Tent(s) (exception baby tents 48″ high by 49″ wide by 36″ deep)- Canopies – Tables – Combustibles
  • Persons Swimming at Night – Remaining on the Beach after Midnight except for Surf Fishing at Third Avenue Beach
  • Dogs other Animals (permitted on the eastside sidewalk of Ocean Avenue). Dogs are not permitted on the beach from May 16th through September 30th. REMINDER: It is the owners responsibility to clean up after their dog on the beach and public streets.
  • Bicycles between 10 am and Midnight
  • Skates – Skateboards – Scooter – Motorcycles
  • Persons suspected of being under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs

Parking Pay Stations are located on the east side of Ocean Avenue and the East End of Bradley Blvd., in effect from the weekend before Memorial Day through the Sunday after Labor Day. Payment is required from 8 am to 7 pm at $1.50 per hour. Cash, Credit and Debit Cards accepted as payment. Please be aware of the numbered markings at each parking space. Parking is free on the west side of Ocean Avenue.


Beach Badges purchased in person are CASH OR CHECK ONLY.

Online Purchases:

Enter Bradley Beach as your Community or Organization, then follow prompts.

Pick up for online purchases will begin 12/09/2024


***Beach Badges can be purchased/picked up at the Brinley, Cliff or Third Avenue Booths starting TBA . Weather Permitting***

ADULT- $90 SENIOR – $35 JUNIOR – $35

Ages: Junior- 13, 14, & 15
Adult- 16-64
Senior- 65+
(12 years of age and under are FREE)


Daily Beach Badge Purchase Instructions


FREE BEACH ADMISSION for Active Military includes Spouse & Dependent (Military ID Cards Required)
FREE BEACH ADMISSION for Veterans with proper ID

Badges are required starting Memorial Day Weekend and all weekends until the beaches open daily, on a date TBA in 2025.

The beach is accessible to those in need of a wheelchair at Cliff, Brinley ,Third and Evergreen Avenue(s). Beach chairs are available for people with disabilities.

Public Restrooms are located at Cliff, LaReine, Third and Evergreen Avenues. Showers are located at each beach entrance. Changing Rooms are located and Cliff and Third Avenues.

Fishing is permitted on beach jetties at Lake Terrace, Park Place, Brinley and Second Avenues at the discretion of lifeguards.

The beachfront has food concessions at Brinley, Newark and Second Avenues in season.

The Beaches Open on Memorial Day Weekend.

Lifeguards are on duty: Weekdays 9am-5pm and Weekends and Holidays 9am-6pm
Email Lifeguard Chief:

Beach Badges are required when the beaches are Open. Lifeguards are on duty starting Memorial Day Weekend.
Badges are required until Labor Day Weekend.

It is Extremely Dangerous and may be Life Threatening to Swim in Unprotected Waters.

All Parking on the East Side of Ocean Avenue and the East End of Bradley Blvd is Paid Parking. The parking spaces are numbered and payment is accepted at the Pay Station Kiosks located on Ocean Avenue and Sylvan Lake.

Beach Lockers

Registration for 2025 Bradley Beach Locker Rentals will open Monday, January 27 at 9am

Please note that a specific Locker Number cannot be requested during the registration process – all Lockers will be randomly assigned.

All 2024 Locker Renters will have until April 1st to renew their rental for the 2025 Season. 

After that date, 2025 locker rental registrations will be open to the waiting list.

If you need help with setting up your account, we have included instructions.

How to Register for a Program or Beach Locker from Public Site

Bradley Beach Community Pass Beach Locker Presentation

Instructions on How to Merge Community Pass Accounts


Ocean Ave Parking

Angled parking Ocean Ave is HEAD IN only.  Vehicles found backed into the angled spaces on Ocean Ave are in violation of Bradley Beach Local Ordinance 9-7 (pursuant to NJSA 39:4-145).

NOTE: The 5 numbered spaces on Ocean Ave that border Avon by the Sea are PAID SPACES.  Be sure to use the nearest pay station on Ocean Ave or the one on Evergreen Ave by Sylvan Lake. Or use  Failure to do so could result in a violation being issued.

Do I have to pay to park on Ocean Ave?

Yes, you are required to pay for parking on the entire east side of Ocean Avenue and the easterly end of Bradley Blvd. Please refer to numbered marking to enter into Pay stations for payment. There are ten pay stations located on Ocean Avenue and one pay station at Sylvan Lake.

Hours:  8am to 7pm from the Saturday of the weekend before Memorial Day Weekend to the Sunday after Labor Day Weekend.

The cost is $1.50 per hour.


For any questions on parking please contact:

Bradley Beach Police Department (24Hrs) at 732-775-6900

Bradley Beach Borough Hall (Monday thru Friday 9am to 4pm) at 732-776-2999 ext.1010

Junior Lifeguard Program

2025 Info TBA

Bradley Beach Junior Lifeguard release form



Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I fish at the Beach?2022-04-26T09:42:30-04:00

Between the Newark Avenue jetty and the Ocean Avenue outflow pipe, off the jetty if properly attired, along the jetties at the judgement of the Lifeguard Beach Captain.

How do I obtain a Beach Locker?2023-01-01T11:22:18-05:00
Due to overwhelming demand for Beach Lockers, the wait list is now CLOSED.
NO NEW applicants will be added until further notice and no exceptions can/will be made.
Wait List applications WILL NOT be accepted for the 2023 season, please check back next year.  Thank you.
Those currently on the waiting list will be contacted when/if lockers become available on the requested beach. Whichever beach waiting list you are on (Brinley, Cliff, Third, etc.), CANNOT be changed. The 2023 fee for the first-year locker is $575.00 and the 2023 locker renewal fee is $180.00. Please note that these fees are subject to change. In addition to the fee, first-year locker renters as well as returning beach locker renters are required to execute an agreement with the Borough of Bradley Beach as follows but is not limited to: must provide a lock of their own for security, hold the Borough harmless for any lost or stored items, and relinquish possession of the locker not later than the last Sunday in September each year. Lockers will be made available for use the Saturday of the weekend immediately preceding the Memorial Day weekend through the last Sunday in September each year. The Borough of Bradley Beach reserves the right to confiscate all items which are left in the locker after the last Sunday in September, which will become property of the Borough.
Do I need a beach badge to use the beach?2023-01-03T14:04:41-05:00

Yes, badges are required on weekends starting on Memorial Day weekend and daily starting in June on official opening of the beach through Labor Day.

Season Beach Badges will be on sale daily weather permitting at both Third Avenue and Cliff Avenue Booths. Daily badges are available at all Booth locations.

Active Military (includes spouse & dependents) as well as veterans with any Military or County Veteran ID’s issued are free.


Adults – $80.00
Senior – $35.00 ages 65 and older
Junior – $35.00 ages 13, 14 and 15

Daily – Daily rate for 2023 to be determined at a later date

Ages 12 and under free

Do I have to pay to park at the Beach?2022-09-16T12:01:42-04:00

Yes, you are required to pay for parking on the entire east side of Ocean Avenue and the easterly end of Bradley Blvd. Please refer to numbered marking to enter into Pay stations for payment. There are ten pay stations located on Ocean Avenue and one pay station at Sylvan Lake.

The cost is $1.50 per hour.

Hours 8am to 7pm from the Saturday of the weekend before Memorial Day Weekend to the Sunday after Labor Day Weekend.


Can I have a barbecue at the Beach?2022-04-26T09:40:12-04:00

No person shall, unless in an official capacity of the Borough possess, transport or store gasoline or other combustible materials on the beaches, boardwalk, promenade or the grass area east of the easterly curbline along Ocean Avenue.

Are dogs allowed on the beach?2022-04-26T09:39:51-04:00

No dogs or animals are permitted to be on the boardwalk, promenade, walkways of any public land located east of the easterly most curb on Ocean Avenue.

The prohibitions shall not apply to Seeing Eye dogs, guide dogs or other guide animals.

Dogs are allowed on the beach ONLY from October 1 through May 15. During this time, the dogs or other domestic animals may be unleashed at the beach but must be accompanied by the owner or the owner’s representative. Any such animals must be taken directly onto the public beach area. During this time, solely for the purpose of gaining access to the public beach area, it shall be lawful for said animals to cross over the boardwalk, promenade, walkway and public area.

Are bicycles, skates, skateboards etc permitted at the beachfront?2024-06-10T11:55:57-04:00

No person or persons shall ride bicycles, skates, roller blades, skateboards, scooters, motorcycles, mopeds or any other motor vehicles of any type on the promenade, or any of the public land located east of Ocean Avenue unless in official capacity of the municipality. However, bicycles may be ridden on the promenade or public land between the hours of 12 midnight and 9 am from May 15 through September 15. During September 16 through May 14, only bicycles may be ridden on the promenade at any time.

Please remember, electric bicycles or other motorized modes of transportation are NEVER allowed on the promenade, even over night or during the winter months. Electric bicycles are also NEVER allowed on the Sylvan Lake footbridge.

These regulations do not apply to any carts used to assist the handicapped.

Are Alcoholic Beverages permitted at the beach?2022-04-26T09:38:46-04:00

NO person shall bring or consume any beer, wine or other intoxicating liquors on the beachfront, in the waters or on the boardwalk or promenade except by permission of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Bradley Beach.

Do surfers need a beach badge?2022-04-26T09:38:23-04:00

All individuals entering the beach for the purpose of surfing must have a proper beach badge and must display same on their person.

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
JJ Pawlak Director BBJG Program (732) 859-9635
Shawn Heeter Beach Manager
Questions (732) 776-2999 Ext. 1010 or 1041
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