Your tax bill is literally in the mail and you will have a grace period for the first payment to September 10th! We worked very hard on our 2021 budget in order to lower the Borough’s municipal tax levy- and we did it! I am quite happy to report a 4.1% reduction in your tax rate (1.222% to 1.172 %) and the total tax levy will increase less than 1% (when you add school, county, library taxes). This should translate to a marginal increase for most households this year.

Our Summer Season is at the halfway point and with a continuing trend of better weather, we should be on target to hit our goals for the Beach this year. Our badge sales as of last week already exceeded total 2019 sales! Hopefully we finish strong in the last 5 “official” weeks of the season.

The Police Department resumed the National Night out on Tuesday, August 3rd and it was a rousing success. Over 500 residents participated in this important Community event. Thanks to the Police, Fire, EMS, and Public Works for putting on a great event.

The Shakespeare Festival was another rousing success a few weeks ago. Two performances on the Promenade were exquisite! Our Arts Council, headed by Julia Rand, again delivered a great service to the Community.

We are preparing a referendum to decide on the future of the Church (319 LaReine Avenue) purchased by the Borough in early 2020. This will be on the November ballot. We plan on Town Hall meetings in October to communicate the facts to all of our residents.